All your configuration,
in one central place.


Frequently asked questions

To install NoriConf, download the latest executable from Gitlab and add a link to /usr/local/bin

chmod +x noriconf
sudo mkdir /opt/noriconf
sudo cp noriconf /opt/noriconf
sudo ln -s /opt/noriconf/noriconf /usr/local/bin
Each config file is a normal text file that ends with a .nc.yaml extension. This file then defines its name, and the path of the file where the configuration is stored.

An example can be seen below, where shell completion for kubernetes, helm and noriconf are added to bash.

name: Shell completion
path: "%HOME%/.bashrc"
unique-boundary: "# ShellCompletion"
position-type: EndOfFile
content: |
  source <(kubectl completion bash)
  source <(helm completion bash)
  source <(noriconf --completion bash)
Another example can be seen below where a simple setting is added to ~/.profile
name: Use GTK Portal
path: "%HOME%/.profile"
unique-boundary: "# GTK Portal"
position-type: EndOfFile
content: |
  export GTK_USE_PORTAL=1
There are three available position-types:
StartOfFile This prepends the config to the start of a file
EndOfFile This append the config to the end of a file
RegexOfLine This inserts the config after the first line which matches the regex. Note: The position-regex property must be specified.
Shell completion is available for bash and zsh.

source <(noriconf --completion bash)
noriconf --completion zsh > ~/.zsh/functions